Concrastin8 - Cinema 4D Ascent

This is the final assignment of the Cinema 4D Ascent course from School of Motion, taught by EJ Hassenfratz.

Concrastin8 from Mombi


Cinema 4D Ascent Course, School of Motion

3D puppy design: Mike Grunwald

3D Animation: Mike Grunwald

Renderer: Physical renderer & cell shading

Language: English (US)

Duration: 30s


For the purposes of this assignment you can essentially imagine Mombi as Google's counterpart in an alternative universe. They make an email app, calendar app, maps application and now a task tracking app in Concrastin8. They're so ubiquitous that people often say things like "Go Mombi it."


We want this to be a fun piece that viewers will fall in love with and want to share with their friends and family while promoting this gamechanging app! While we have provided the illustrative style boards,
we really want to lean on your expertise and style choices and want you to make this spot your own so feel free to add your own creativity to the spot as long as the imagery follows what is in the boards. Also, this goes without saying - but make it POP!

3D Emoji rig created with morph animation sliders - c4d viewport render

Pug rig with dynamic IK in ears and tongue - c4d viewport render

Bomb characters walkcycle and emitter with ‘meta balls’ for the fire effect - c4d viewport render

2D Gameboy facial asset created in After Effects - rendered as png sequence


EVA Explainer Video Agency - Diamond (3D)


Cinema 4D Ascent