Cinema 4D Ascent
This is a collection of the assignments I did during 2023 Cinema 4D Ascent course from School of Motion, taught by EJ Hassenfratz.
"In Cinema 4D Ascent, you'll learn to master marketable 3D concepts in Cinema 4D from Maxon Certified Trainer, EJ Hassenfratz. Over the course of 12 weeks, this class will teach you the fundamental 3D concepts you need to know to create beautiful renders and tackle any task a studio or client might throw at you."
5. The next assignment covered a lot about the topic of vertex maps, fields and Mograph. Here we got to play around with 'vertex maps' and fields within the mograph system of Cinema 4D to reveal the playful logo of School of Motion.
6. Is all about dynamics. Both ‘rigid body dynamics’ as well as ‘soft body dynamics,’ to create squishy objects, where main topics in this week’s assignments. I tried to combine softbody dynamics with vertex maps here in my last example render.
7. First introduction to rigging. In this assignment we were asked to rig a “robot” arm using mechanical rigging techniques.
8. Finally we studied and practiced the basics of organic character rigging. Covering subjects like FK and IK (Inverse Kinematics) as well as dynamic IK chains. The doggy started out being a cube. It’s still so amazing to create these objects out of simple geometrical primitive shapes.