3D Producer | College of MultiMedia

In the spring of 2014 I started the 3D Producer course at the College of MultiMedia (CMM), because of my fascination of 3D Design and animation. College of MultiMedia is a MAXON Authorised Training Center with certified trainers. Lars Scholten was my instructor during this 6 month course.

The content of the 3D Producer training focuses on the entire 3D process; Building and dressing models, lighting scenes, applying camerawork, animating, working with dynamic systems and automating projects. In addition to an extensive theoretical background, the 3D Producer training offers a large number of practical assignments.

four main assignments were given to us after completing a certain curriculum.

Theory CMM

The Cube

The standard Geometric shapes available in Cinema 4D, offer a zillion different ways and opportunities to create artistic and experimental expressions

Every now and then, the artist in me just wants to pick up some pencils, markers and brushes. Because I love the cartoony look and feel on this approach :)

My aim at this hand drawn series is to add a certain goofiness to static geometric shapes (cube, sphere, cilinder, pyramid etc). In other words: To make these shapes more organic and cartoony.

I used Cinema 4D to get the animation right on 12 frames per second for 24 frames. Then I redraw the PNG sequence using a light box.

3D Philips Blender

Assignment 1; 3D modeling (Philips blender) I opted for a simple Philips kitchen blender, which stood on my counter at the time. The challenge was in creating the right shape from a primitive shape like a cube. After studying the shapes of the blender and collecting reference material, I used different modeling techniques (mainly box modeling) to come to my final result. You could compare this method with the work of a sculpturer starting with a rock. I mainly used shaders (instead of bitmaps/textures) and edited them to create a certain amount of realism. I find it fascinating to see how complex shapes and realism can arise from, for example a primitive shape like a cube in a relatively fast way.

Jumping paparazzi blueberry

During this course I went to London to participate at the Pixar masterclass (Story development, Character Design & Animation ) with my 3D teacher Lars Scholten. Here we met Ricky Nierva; Lead animator at Pixar studios and the creative brain behind Mike from Monsters inc. =)

The Sphere

Communication through Animation

Assignment 4* 3D Animation, But I have chosen a 2D animation instead, because my initial 3D rig was not appealing enough at the time. I was looking for a cartoony character for my explanimation. So the final result is a 2D animation with the use of Anime studio pro.

Design: Mike Grunwald

Animation: Mike Grunwald

Music and SFX: rinzmusic.com

VO: Justin (LA),Voicebooking

Language: English (US) (Dutch subs)

3D Lego Stunt Plane

Assignment 2; 3D modeling and texturing (Lego stuntplane)

Animation: Mike Grunwald

Rendering: Lars Scholten


The Road Forward - Qpark